Our deepest longings can only be partially satisfied by what we can see or touch.

Spirituality at CCE

All human beings have longings or desires that propel us down certain paths or directions.  Some of these longings we might be very conscious of: perhaps a longing to find love or have children; a longing to excel at a sport or skill; a longing to travel or for adventure.

Other longings may be deeper and we might be less aware of them.  A longing to feel valued or respected; a longing to make a difference in this world; a longing to feel secure or loved.

We believe that these longings are part of what is means to be a human being made in the image of God.  These longings are ultimately for God himself and are only partially satisfied in in things that we can see or touch.  You might call this spirituality.  We love helping people discover this journey of spirituality, exploring our deepest longings and desires.  We’d love to help you.